Remember to choose your building style controller (left option of data viev) Euro style which i am using is switched off at default and 5 year style change is just plain bad. Also they need transportation system like bus stops because people living there don't have cars ! 1x1 homes can be build only if your region population will reach 700-900 people. And when you will build them don't care if it covers every home. Do not invest is shools, hospitals at start. Delete white block after and stretch road with new pavement on existing roads to make them new type. To have different roads like I use "Street Addon Mod (SAM)" near type of roads in SC4. Add -CustomResolution:enabled -r1600x900x32 to shortcut to play at any resolution you want (1600x900 is just example) Tree model which i am using is the last one from tree menu it is also full grown ! You can add trees on any existing green space including buildings so if backyard of some house look fugly then add tree. SC4 without them everywhere look like ass. There is nothing better than showing your cities to people.