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Is now available for download in the Swimming World Vault! And then there's "Unlocked," which is myself and Mike Will sampling myself, and coming up with this whole other sound.The latest issue of Swimming World Magazine And then inside of Keys, there's the "Originals," which is all that music that was all about the piano and that rawness. Like if you found a vintage Nina Simone record and you wanted to sample it and give it another energy, what would it sound like? That's literally the concept of Keys. So I had this whole body of work that we were calling Keys, and I wanted to see what would happen if I sampled myself. And when I connected with Mike Will, it was instant vibes. So we started talking about putting together a whole other side of the Keys universe, and she suggested I connect with Mike Will. There's so many sides to all of us, and that's a lot of what I'm always thinking about, and exploring in my own life and music. And as we were creating, it did actually flow pretty effortlessly.Īnd as we were flowing through it, myself and my engineer Ann Mincieli - she's been with me for a long time and is a super badass magician - we started conversating about this concept about these two worlds. It was all about the piano and creating songs that made you feel. It's so grounded in songwriting and raw expression. And as I started to create it, I realized that it was a homecoming for me because it brought me back to that center that I was looking for but couldn't quite find for a minute there.

It's been ready for five years, this concept, and this album really focusing on the piano and being about the songs and the rawness. So I did get right back in and I knew that I wanted to do this album called Keys. It started to get quite uncomfortable and frustrating because how do we all return to some form of normalcy, right? Obviously, we couldn't tour and do all the normal things that we could do. I had lost my center and didn't really know how to find peace. ALICIA KEYS: The pandemic hit, and a lot of people would ask me when it first started, "Are you feeling so creative? Are you stuck in the house just creating everything?" And I actually wasn't.